When an overrated FVG forms on the chart, the gap attracts the price downwards until the price fills the gap.
On the other hand, when an Undervalued FVG forms, the gap attracts the price upward until it achieves its fair value. In Nature, everything returns to balance after an imbalance, and this cycle continues. The same is true of the fair value gap.
When an FVG forms on the chart, it creates an imbalance. Then, the price moves to fill the gap and maintain balance. This way of price moving towards the fair value gap to fill it is the market's way of achieving equilibrium. The fair value gap is a natural pattern that works in trading. I also use it to predict the future market direction so I can trade in that direction, like trading with the trend.
The Predictive Nature of the fair value gap helps to find the future direction of the market. By using FVG, we can determine the future direction or trend of big players or market makers. Then, we can apply our strategy in that direction.